How instance method is called

Dear friends,

I came across this code snippet from my reading:

require 'active_record'

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base

order = Order.find(1)

Looking at: and search for find(), find() is
an instance public method. So why can we call Order.find(1) here?
Shouldn’t it be

it should Syntactic sugar,I dont know

201416գ1:41Warren Z. [email protected] д

Subject: how instance method is called
Date: lun 06 gen 14 06:41:33 +0100

Quoting Warren Z. ([email protected]):

Looking at: and search for find(), find() is
an instance public method. So why can we call Order.find(1) here?
Shouldn’t it be

This is an excellent question to pose to a rails-focused
audience. ‘find’ is obviously a class method, but maybe they use
special terminology in rails-land…


Abinoam Jr. wrote in post #1132314:

Dear Warren,

IMHO, It probably “extended” (not “included”) that particular Module
that defines the #find method.

Ruby Quicktips - Include vs. Extend

Abinoam Jr.

Dear Abinoam,

I think this is the only explanation for this behavior. Thanks.

Dear Warren,

IMHO, It probably “extended” (not “included”) that particular Module
that defines the #find method.

Abinoam Jr.