How install a gem which needs library at a special locatin


I tried to install fxruby-1.6.15 with gem 1.2 under ruby 187 on a Linux
Fedora box. The Fox library is in /usr/local/fox-1633 directory.

The gem install fxruby fails because (of course) the ruby extconf.rb
command can’ t found the Fox include and Fox library. It needs the
–with-fox-dir directive.

So, How can I do that within the gem installer ?


Philippe P. wrote:

I tried to install fxruby-1.6.15 with gem 1.2 under ruby 187 on a Linux
Fedora box. The Fox library is in /usr/local/fox-1633 directory.

The gem install fxruby fails because (of course) the ruby extconf.rb
command can’ t found the Fox include and Fox library. It needs the
–with-fox-dir directive.

So, How can I do that within the gem installer ?
Please see this page for instructions:
