How do you total up the number of Posts per Month?

Let’s say I want to count the total number of posts per month using the
created_at column. For instance, I want to display a list-like format
like so:

August (20 posts)
July (12 posts)
June (16 posts)

[In my controller, I have @posts = Post.find(:all)]

How would you be able to total up the # of posts per month?

Use find_by_sql, having sql query:

select created_at, count(created_at) as num_of_posts from posts
group by created_at
order by created_at desc

Ivan Trajkovic wrote:

Use find_by_sql, having sql query:

select created_at, count(created_at) as num_of_posts from posts
group by created_at
order by created_at desc

I think instead you want;

MONTH(created_at) AS month,
YEAR(created_at) AS year,
COUNT(*) AS number_of_posts
FROM posts
GROUP BY year, month

you could also do this inside a normal fine if you wanted

:select => “MONTH(created_at) AS month, YEAR(created_at) AS year,
COUNT(*) AS number of posts”,
:group => “year, month”