Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?
This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general
idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.
Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?
This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general
idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.
Yes, it’s called Marshaling.
a = “Object to save”
stored_object = Marshal.dump(a)
a = nil
a = Marshal.load(stored_object)
You can read more about it here:
Ruby makes it a breeze to implement. You can also use YAML to save your
Marshaled object data via YAML’s dump and load methods. See more about
Hope this helps!
On 10/23/06, Steve Q. [email protected] wrote:
Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?
This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general
idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.–
Posted via
Robert W. Oliver II
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On 10/23/06, Steve Q. [email protected] wrote:
Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?
Check out these.
This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general
idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.
Posted via
Michael G.
Steve Q. wrote:
Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?
As a further aside to saving with yaml, yet another fantastic little
goody that RoR provides is the method .to_yaml() …
ilan@iberci-pc:~/rails$ script/console
Loading development environment.
=> “— sample\n”
Steve Q. wrote:
Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?
This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general
idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.
ri Marshal
On 24/10/06, Ilan B. [email protected] wrote:
=> “— sample\n”
You don’t need RoR for that. Merely including yaml will give objects
the to_yaml method:
three: 3
two: 2
one: 1
=> nil
Steve Q. wrote:
Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?
This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general
idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.
I posted an article/tutorial on marshalling objects and saving them to
files last night,
you may want to throw a quick look at it as it sounds applicable to your
Hope it helps!
Gustav P.
[email protected]
The built-in Marshal class is designed for this very thing, and
anecdotal evidence says it’s faster than YAML. YAML has the advantage
of being readable to the naked eye, however. Here’s a good discussion
on Marshal vs. YAML:
Use YAML you can store/load the content of a Ruby object without any
Please visit YAML.rb at
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