How do you save the contents of an object?

Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?

This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general
idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.

Yes, it’s called Marshaling.

Create a trivial object

a = “Object to save”

Save it to stored_object

stored_object = Marshal.dump(a)

Destroy “a”

a = nil

Restore the object

a = Marshal.load(stored_object)

You can read more about it here:

Ruby makes it a breeze to implement. You can also use YAML to save your
Marshaled object data via YAML’s dump and load methods. See more about

Hope this helps!

On 10/23/06, Steve Q. [email protected] wrote:

Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?

This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general
idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.

Posted via

Robert W. Oliver II
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On 10/23/06, Steve Q. [email protected] wrote:

Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?

Check out these.

This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general

idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.

Posted via

Michael G.

Steve Q. wrote:

Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?

As a further aside to saving with yaml, yet another fantastic little
goody that RoR provides is the method .to_yaml() …

ilan@iberci-pc:~/rails$ script/console
Loading development environment.

=> “— sample\n”

Steve Q. wrote:

Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?

This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general
idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.

ri Marshal

On 24/10/06, Ilan B. [email protected] wrote:

=> “— sample\n”
You don’t need RoR for that. Merely including yaml will give objects
the to_yaml method:

irb(main):001:0> require ‘yaml’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> puts({“one”=>1,“two”=>2,“three”=>3}.to_yaml)

three: 3
two: 2
one: 1
=> nil


Steve Q. wrote:

Is there an easy way to save the contents of an object in ruby?

This is hard to google, so I am posting it up. I just need a general
idea (if anyoen has it), you don’t have to spell it out for me.

I posted an article/tutorial on marshalling objects and saving them to
files last night,
you may want to throw a quick look at it as it sounds applicable to your

Hope it helps!
Gustav P.
[email protected]

The built-in Marshal class is designed for this very thing, and
anecdotal evidence says it’s faster than YAML. YAML has the advantage
of being readable to the naked eye, however. Here’s a good discussion
on Marshal vs. YAML:

Use YAML you can store/load the content of a Ruby object without any

Please visit YAML.rb at
The codebook is of great use to give you what is going on: