How do you migrate content between environments?

Let’s say I have a Radiant site in production and I like it and it’s
fine. Now, the boss comes along and outlines a bunch of content changes
(images, copy, etc.) but no code changes (extensions, etc.) I obviously
cant build the new content in-place on the production system so I fire
up a
development environment and get it all worked out. Now my problem is
how do
I get all that stuff from DEV -> PROD?

My first thought was to dump the DEV database and import it into the
database. The problem with that is I risk overwriting production data
and that doesn’t help me move non-database resources (i.e.
/public/images/*). Is there some sort of freeze/thaw that I can use to
migrate this data? Am I completely missing the mark and everyone else
develops in production? :slight_smile: How do you move content around?


P.S. I apologize if I’ve covered this ground before. I looked through
archives but couldn’t find an answer.


Sorry, other than what you’ve described (dump/reload), there’s no good
solution. On the Digital Pulp project, we’re keeping our complete
instance (extensions and Radiant source included) in source control.
You might consider something like that going forward, at least for
managing your non-database stuff. Unless you can come up with a script
to do it, any database content will have to be manually copied/merged.


Sean C. wrote:

Unless you can come up with a script to do it, any database content will have to be manually copied/merged


Has anyone made any progress out there on import/export? (I know it
used to be in the list of core items to add to radiant).

Having this basic functionality would allow someone to add on some sort
of diff/sync extension that would work great for Richard here (and I
suspect a lot of others, too).

Oh, and before anyone asks, yes, I’ve thought about tackling it myself
but I’m several projects (read months) from getting to that stage.


We’ve had to tackle this exact issue.

Best we could do, which is by no means perfect, but does work is using
the Linux version of SQLyog ( ) and
what we were able to do, is simply build it into all our deployment
scripts so it’s actually very automated for us.

The part that sold me on SJA is the fact that it’s very easily
configurable so rolling it out across multiple servers was a breeze.

Syncing between our dev and production databases works pretty damn
well, only ran into a couple of issues that haven’t seemed to be life
or death anyways.


Travis B.
Not sent from my iPhone.

My first thought was to dump the DEV database and import it
into the PROD
database. The problem with that is I risk overwriting
production data (!!)
and that doesn’t help me move non-database resources (i.e.

If you think that overwriting production data is a risk, then
you’re going about this the wrong way.

The only sane way to go about this is to make your production
site read-only while you’re developing. Any other road WILL
lead to madness. Trust me on that.

Copy the entire site directory to another location - everything,
including public folders - anything that you think you’re going
to need. Then, duplicate the database, copying it from live to

To do the database copy I run:

mysql -e “drop database radiant_development”
mysql -e “create database radiant_development”
mysqldump radiant_production | mysql radiant_development

I keep all the non-db files on my site under subversion, so I just
do a commit in production and a checkout in development. Otherwise,
you can just do a simple copy.

Then, you do all your development in the development area and when
you’re happy, reverse the process.

I can hear some of you already saying “but we can’t leave our
production environment locked for that long”. If that’s the case,
just do an initial copy-live-to-test, take note of everything that
you do while you develop it and then when you think you’ve nailed it
do a fresh copy-live-to-test and then replay your changes by hand
before doing a copy-test-to-live. Alternatively, you could just
replay your changes by hand directly into live - but only if you’ve
got an unfaltering belief in yourself.

Again, The only way to sanely move changes between two versions that
both have modifications in them is by hand.


I know next to nothing about rake migrations so the following text might
just as well be labled SPAM. :slight_smile:

Is there anyway to hook into a db:migration task to export/import the
radiant tables? That way we could at least grab the radiant stuff with
standard rake migration. If rake is anything like ant (for Java) it
be able to be extended to do this sort of thing. I envision something
the following:

Export the development envrionment

rake development db:migrate:export > mysite.db.tar

[Optional] Store site in version control

svn commit -m “Keep this in case we need it later” mysite.db.tar

Import into the production environment

rake production db:migrate:import < mysite.db.tar

This is what we used to do with all of our environments when I was a
corporate slave. Is this type of thing possible with rake? Am I
barking up
the wrong tree?



You’re essentially talking about an audit trail which you can replay.
Sounds like something that would fit deep within the guts of
ActiveRecord but would not necessarily have to be related to Radiant.
However, you would only have to capture changes (i.e. INSERT, SELECT,
DELETE). You would still have to have some way of locking your
production database.

Richard, you should look into Joyent Slingshot – Radiant has been
ported to this mini-platform that allows offline editing and syncing
with a live database. It may be the solution you’re looking for.


Couldn’t we extend Radiant so that it trapped all SQL that caused
update/delete/adds to a script?

  • In the beginning, the development and production server have the
    exact same DB with the production server. Freeze the production
    server so that no changes can happen through /admin.

  • Make some changes on the development server.

  • Export these changes to a script: “rake db:export:changes” ->

  • On production server: “mysql radiant_production < changes.sql”

I would need to read up more on ActiveRecord and if you are capturing
just SQL you would have to be using the same DB engine for dev and
production but does this idea seem feasible?

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that people are using import_export,
but it’s really not a stable or complete extension. I would appreciate
any patches that can fix the problem because I don’t have time to work
on it right now.



We use the attached rake file to version control Radiant changes via
yml files. I think this is close to what you are describing.

–David W. Body / Iowa Ruby Brigade


I was just looking at the
and I think it would do almost everything I needed, if it worked
properly. I tried it on my development machine and it looks like it
when trying to build the “users” table. I was getting a NIL error after
had cleared the table.

My migration plan would then be to export the DB using import_export and
store it in SVN right next to everything else (public/, images/, etc.)
way I could always get back to a certain version of my web-site.

First and formost is getting the extension to work properly. I have
limited Ruby (and Rails) experience and I don’t think I can debug it
myself. :frowning: I would love to but I’m just now learning how to use
tags and debugging Rails is hard (or at least I don’t know how yet :).


I guess the attachment didn’t make it through, so here it is

make hash.to_yaml sort by keys

class Hash
def to_yaml( opts = {} )
YAML::quick_emit( object_id, opts ) do |out| taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
sorted_keys = keys
sorted_keys = begin
sorted_keys.sort_by {|k| k.to_s} rescue sorted_keys

     sorted_keys.each do |k|
       map.add( k, fetch(k) )


class String
def to_unix
self.gsub(/\r\n/, “\n”)

namespace “iowaruby” do
desc ‘Create YAML test fixtures from data in an existing
database. Defaults to development database. Set RAILS_ENV to
task :extract_fixtures => :environment do
sql = “select * from %s order by id”
skip_tables = [“schema_info”, “sessions”, “users”]
(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables - skip_tables).each do |
puts “Extracting #{table_name}”
i = “000”“#{RAILS_ROOT}/fixtures/#{table_name}.yml”, ‘w’) do |
data = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql %
file.write data.inject({}) { |hash, record|
hash[“#{table_name}_#{i.succ!}”] = record

desc ‘Load fixtures into a database. Defaults to development
database. Set RAILS_ENV to override.’
task :load_fixtures => :environment do
require ‘active_record/fixtures’
Dir.glob(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, ‘fixtures’, ‘.{yml,csv}')).each
do |fixture_file|
puts "Loading #{File.basename(fixture_file, '.
Fixtures.create_fixtures([‘fixtures’], File.basename
(fixture_file, ‘.*’))
