I have written an application using RubyCocoa and would like it to be
run on others Macs. I have tried the following, none of which work:
Copied the MyApp.app folder.
Run standaloneify. This produces a new .app folder with the gems
and other files (dependencies). However, the app does not start when
running MyApp.app. I also ran MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/MyApp. This
opens a terminal window saying “…ThirdParty/rubygems.rb:350: in
‘insert’: no implicit conversion from nil to integer (TypeError)…” -
I ran “rake package” from the project folder. This too falis with
sh: rubycocoa: command not found.
I’d like to create a standalone application folder that people can
just copy to their \Application folder. They’re all running Leopard
although they won’t have the latest version of RubyCocoa or some gems
that I’ve used in the app.
Any suggestions appreciated!