How do we get the End of Line date for the gems which we are using Ruby on Rails?

Hi All,

I want to know the EOL date for the below gems for ROR. Can anyone help
how to find the EOL dates

  • authlogic
  • will paginate
  • oauth-plugin 0.3.14
  • statistics 0.1.1
  • YUI
  • cucumber 0.6.4
  • cucumber-rails 0.3.0
  • rspec 1.3.0
  • rspec-rails 1.3.2
  • webrat 0.7.0
  • factory-girl 1.2.4
  • database_cleaner 0.5.0
  • SSL requirement
  • calender_select 1.16.1
  • pg 0.9.0
  • Exception Logger
  • RSA plugin
  • Backports 1.18.0
  • RSA 0.1.4
  • health_check 0.1.0

Thanks in advance.

with regards,
RoR Uk

On 10 October 2012 10:39, RoR Uk [email protected] wrote:

Hi All,

I want to know the EOL date for the below gems for ROR. Can anyone help me
how to find the EOL dates

What do you mean by EOL date (presumably End Of Line, but what do you
mean by that)?


On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 10:39:10 AM UTC+1, RoR Uk wrote:

Hi All,

I want to know the EOL date for the below gems for ROR. Can anyone help
me how to find the EOL dates

The majority of these aren’t commercially supported gems - They’ll be
maintained until the current maintainers run out of time, enthusiasm or
interest and no-one from the community takes up the baton. There isn’t
official end of life date. Sometimes a new project comes along with a
more momentum than an existing one and libraries fade out of usage, for
example I’d say that capybara is seeing a lot attention than webrat and
devise is getting more usage than authlogic. A lot of the gems you list
quite old - rspec 1.x has been obsolete for quite a while for example.


Quoting Colin L. [email protected]:

On 10 October 2012 10:39, RoR Uk [email protected] wrote:

Hi All,

I want to know the EOL date for the below gems for ROR. Can anyone help me
how to find the EOL dates

What do you mean by EOL date (presumably End Of Line, but what do you
mean by that)?

End Of Life - usually defined when there is no more support.


On 10 October 2012 23:44, Jeffrey L. Taylor [email protected]

End Of Life - usually defined when there is no more support.

As Fred has pointed out, that concept is not relevant to most gems, as
there is no “official” support for them. That is why I asked for
clarification as to what exactly the OP was asking about.
