How do two objects communicate?

I wrote a small program the procedural way, now I would like to write
one the OOP way, but
I am blocking on the matter of communication.

One way to communicate is to have a class variable, ie a global to the

So lets say I define a class with two class variables and a storage
class dataClass
def initialize
@@Arr=array read from file, constant

I can create two objects (two instances)

As I understand it the objects datainst and infoinst both have access
to @@Arr and @@ind,
and each have their own array.

I can get my program rolling by calling a method, say datainst.lookforX
class dataClass
def lookforX
look for X in @@arr[@@ind]
if X not found
increase @@ind
else X is found
Send a message to other object ??? HOW DO I DO THAT?
break out of all recursions

The object datainst can call itself with Self I believe but how does
object datainst tell infoinst
to do something? Methods are written in a class, and when one writes a
class, instances don’t yet exist.

The examples in my programming ruby always seem to be “me” sending a
“message” to an object, not an object talking to another object? How
can an object talk to another object?
Ruby and OOP beginner missing something

anne001 wrote:

The examples in my programming ruby always seem to be “me” sending a
“message” to an object, not an object talking to another object? How
can an object talk to another object?
Ruby and OOP beginner missing something

One way is to register one or more objects with another object, and have
those objects contacted on certain events. Another approach is to
inspect the set of known objects and invoke a method based on some
criteria (basically, ‘broadcast’ to ObjectSpace).

class A
def initialize( name )
@name = name
def notify1
puts “Where’s breakfast?”

def notify2
puts “Where’s dinner?”

def feed_me
puts “Feed #{@name}”


class B

def initialize
@notify_these = {}

def register( obj, meth_name )
@notify_these[ obj ] = meth_name

def the_magic_event
@notify_these.each do |obj, m|
obj.send m

def yell_to_the_crowd
ObjectSpace.each_object do |o|
o.send( :feed_me ) if o.class == A


a1 = ‘a1’ )
a2 = ‘a2’ )
b.register( a1, :notify1 )
b.register( a2, :notify2 )

Contact those who requested notification


Ignore the Do Not Call list:


James - Ruby Help & Documentation
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Depending on the relationship between the classes, you may want to look
at Observable. Observable is commonly used when you wish to have one
class notify a number of observes of a change in the object being

Look for information on ‘observer’.


Hi –

On Sun, 27 Nov 2005, anne001 wrote:

object communication through messages seems at the core of OOP, and yet
“observer” is not in my sams teach yourself ruby’s index, it is only in
the reference section of programming ruby, 2nd edition. Same for send
which seems key to the example.

Why is something which is at the heart of OOP so little explained? I am

The Observable module is a rather specialized tool, and not at all at
the heart of Ruby’s OO model. The fact that Ruby is all about message
sending is manifested every time you see this:


That’s one object sending a message to another object. I think you’ll
find plenty of examples of that in “Teach Yourself Ruby” :slight_smile:


Thank you so much!

What Is an Object?
An object is a software bundle of related variables and methods.

What Is a Message?
Software objects interact and communicate with each other using

object communication through messages seems at the core of OOP, and yet
“observer” is not in my sams teach yourself ruby’s index, it is only in
the reference section of programming ruby, 2nd edition. Same for send
which seems key to the example.

Why is something which is at the heart of OOP so little explained? I am

Thank you so much for the example, and all this info


Yes, I am aware of the structure.

In discussions of OOP I read, the difference is made between
procedural, which starts with data, and flows from action to action to
an end point in a structure organized by time, and OOP, portrayed as
objects linked together by actions in timeless fashion.

I think what I am discovering, is that for most of its communication,
OOP relies on a hierarchy all the same, but a hierarchy of objects. If
object A and object B need to communicate, they can as long as they are
embedded in object C which can call on A and on B as needed. Something
like that.

That seems to be what OOP demystified is explaining in its example on
collaboration in chapter 9. Because Keogth called the super class,
linkCourseStudent, I did not realize that it was creating a class in a
hierarchy which could create an instance of objects of class Course and
of class Student, and call each instance method, giving “the
appearance” of communication.

As James B. showed me, it is possible for A and B to communicate
without being embeded in a common hierarchical object, but it is much
less commonly done.

Am I getting this right?

Thank you Edwin van Leeuwen

OK, so it is even simpler than I thought, objects are usually organized
in a vertical hierarchy for communication. I will go back to the books
examples with this in mind and see how that works in practice.

thank you so much


anne wrote:

Am I getting this right?
Partly, most objects communicate only with objects they create and the
object that created them.

class A
def initialize
def ask
return arr.first

Here the object we are currently in creates a object a of class A, it
communicates with this object with a.ask. The object a itself creates an
Object arr and also communicates with that. This is the way most object
communicate with each other.

If you need two object (A and B) that are created by a third object ©
to communicate with each other then you are probably doing something
wrong (although not always) and it might have been better if Object A
had created object B instead of letting Object C create both.

Hope that clears some things up :slight_smile:


anne001 [email protected] wrote:

object A and object B need to communicate, they can as long as they
are embedded in object C which can call on A and on B as needed.
Something like that.

Not only: there’s no need for C to be present. A can reference B or
versa (“containment”). So every method of the container has acceess to
contained instance and can send messages to (aka “invoke methods on”)

If you view OO through the “hiearchy perspective” this is what
differenciates OO from procedural IMHO: procedural has only the
hierarchy of
procedure (or function) invocations. OO does have this hiearchy of
invocations, too, but adds more, orthogonal hiearchies in different
at runtime there’s the object composition hiearchy (on instance contains
references another which in turn contains or references other instances
etc. - in fact these can form arbitrary graphs not only strict
Then there’s the hierarchy of type relations called “class hiearchy”.

That seems to be what OOP demystified is explaining in its example on
collaboration in chapter 9. Because Keogth called the super class,
linkCourseStudent, I did not realize that it was creating a class in a
hierarchy which could create an instance of objects of class Course
and of class Student, and call each instance method, giving “the
appearance” of communication.

As James B. showed me, it is possible for A and B to communicate
without being embeded in a common hierarchical object, but it is much
less commonly done.

IMHO the most common situation is actually where one instance references
another instance (in UML speak “aggregation” or “composition”, see also
(ootips) Association, Aggregation and Composition ).

One of the basic tasks of software engineering is to distribute
responsibilities properly over the code - whatever programming paradigm
procedural, functional) is used. For procedural languages this means to
identify the sub task that is delegated to another function / procedure
which can be invoked by several other functions / procedures. For
if in a procedural system you wanted to have a function that calculates
hypotenuse you would delegate square root calculation to another

In OO environments it’s a good rule of thumb to identify classes by
at nouns. If you had to model an application that deals with cars and
pieces you’d probably choose “car”, “wheel”, “engine”, “lorry”, “bus” as
classes, where some of the typically belong into an inheritance hiearchy
(“car” probably as base class, “lorry”, “bus”) and others usually form a
containment hiearchy (a “car” has_an “engine” etc.). If you managed to
identify classes then you often also know their methods (“start” for
“engine” etc.). Of course it’s not always that simple…


Kind regards


speechexpert wrote:

Anyone know how to do this?
I am curious to know what the solution is.
Thanks in advance,
John B

Look up the pack method in Array.

Anyone know how to do this?
I am curious to know what the solution is.
Thanks in advance,
John B

Hi –

On Mon, 28 Nov 2005, speechexpert wrote:

At this point, the file is bigger than 19994.

What gives??

I know this is something simple, can anyone tell me what is going on?

(I tried “ab” for the mode, but didn’t help.)

“a” is going to append, so maybe if you’ve run your program twice
you’ve actually written the data twice to the file. “w” will
overwrite the file if it already exists, so you probably want that.


Hi - Thanks for previous help, very useful.

At this point I have a problem:

I run Zlib (a compression class) on a string. It outputs a string of
(binary) Call it bout. (bout = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(instr) )
I go bout.length It is 19994
Then I open a f =, “a”)
I go f.write(bout)

At this point, the file is bigger than 19994.

What gives??

I know this is something simple, can anyone tell me what is going on?

(I tried “ab” for the mode, but didn’t help.)

Thanks in advance for any help!
John B

I did - but could see no way to pack a binary string.
Is there a way to pack a binary string of bytes?

----- Original Message -----
From: “Timothy H.” [email protected]
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ruby
To: “ruby-talk ML” [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: How to read/write an int in binary form to a file?

I need to write and then read a number of bytes to and from a file…
It seems the pack method will do it, but
does anyone know how to invoke it for a string of bytes?
Thanks in advance,
John B

speechexpert wrote:

I did - but could see no way to pack a binary string. Is there a way to
pack a binary string of bytes?

I’m missing something, I think. You don’t need to pack a binary string.
A binary string is already packed.

As far as appending, I erase the file every time to start again.
The problem is I n eed to pack the binary string and don’t know how.

----- Original Message -----
From: “David A. Black” [email protected]
To: “ruby-talk ML” [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: Case of the missing bytes

Don’t know if this’ll help;

f =, “ab”)

On 28/11/05, speechexpert [email protected] wrote:

I need to write and then read a number of bytes to and from a file…
It seems the pack method will do it, but
does anyone know how to invoke it for a string of bytes?
Thanks in advance,
John B

string = “some junk”‘/tmp/junk’, ‘wb’) do | file |

read =‘/tmp/junk’)

p(string == read)

Stringed instrument chords:

yes - the “b” did it - I had 2 bugs going and didn’t realize that fix
Thanks to all,
John B

----- Original Message -----
From: “David B.” [email protected]
To: “ruby-talk ML” [email protected]
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: Case of the missing bytes

Don’t know if this’ll help;

f =, “ab”)