Trying to manually update activesupport by “gem update activesupport”
results in
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::GemNotFoundException) could not
find gem activesupport locally or in a repository
Other variations (“gem install rails—version 2.2.2”, “gem install
activesupport”, etc.) produce same errors.
A few more data points that may be helpful
“gem -v” returns 1.3.1.
“gem sources” outputs “” and
“gem list—remote” output does include “activesupport (2.2.2)”
Any suggestions on how to resolve or at least debug the issue? I am a
relative novice and am lost.
I’ve had problems with upgrading gem in the past but they have
involved gem itself and not running it once installed.
Have a look at and
try re-installing.
Does ‘gem env’ give you anything out of the ordinary?
The only thing that appears a bit strange is the second line in GEM
PATHS because it points to my documents folder while I expected RoR
installation to be entirely self contained under C:/InstantRails2.0. I
have already tried deleting everything (is that the right way to
uninstall RoR?) and unzipped everything again from Then I run “gem update --system” again and it
upgraded rubygems to 1.3.1. I also observed that this gem update
command added the second path to GEM PATHS (is it OK?). Now I am back
hitting the same wall; still can not update rails and at a loss.
Thanks for trying to help,
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