How do I rake in a redefined db table?

I’ve created a database and my tables. Now in one of my tables I need to
edit a field to have a default value and also add another field for
parent relationships and wondering how to do that with rake, or if I
should use rake.

In my db/migrate/001_create_companies.rb file I originally started with:

class CreateCompanies < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :companies do |t|
t.string :name, :unique => true, limit => 100
t.text :description
t.string :website, limit => 255
t.integer :position
t.boolean :show, :default => true



def self.down
drop_table :companies

I would like to update two lines so “position” has a default value of
“0” and a foreign key is created for “industry”. So I’ve updated the
file to read

class CreateCompanies < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :companies do |t|
t.string :name, :unique => true, limit => 100
t.text :description
t.string :website, limit => 255
t.integer :position, :default => 0
t.boolean :show, :default => true

  t.references :industry


def self.down
drop_table :companies

The current mysql table has a couple rows of data which I’m okay blowing
away but maybe I should just delete the whole table and re-run rake
db:migrate to create a fresh version?

Any pointers appreciated.


Hi Dan! (from another Dan),

Take a look here:

It looks like you can create a new migration and do the two things you
need to:

script/generate migration AddIndustryToCompanies industry_id:integer

Then, you should have: db/migrate/002_add_industry_to_companies.rb
file. Edit it to add in the position modification:

def self.up
add_column :companies, :industry_id, :integer
change_column :table_companies, :position, :integer, :default => 0

def self.down
remove_column :companies, :industry_id
change_column :table_companies, :position, :integer

This is just off the top of my head (and looking at that cheat sheet).



Follow Danimal’s instruction, or use db:rollback and db:migrate to re-
create the table if you don’t want to add another migration file.

On Mar 31, 10:57 am, Dan P. [email protected]

Danimal has it right, but if you’re okay with a “do over”, I’d just run

rake db:migrate VERSION=0

to get back to a clean DB, then edit my 001 migration to be what I need,
and run a straight

rake db:migrate

to reconstruct the database.

I spent a portion of last week reworking my database schema, and
collapsing various and sundry “add a field” and “create a view”
migrations into a new set (went from 28 migrations to 16). You can also
reorder your migrations if you want, there’s nothing sacred about 001
versus 002 as long as you honor any dependencies (create tables before
views, etc).

Good stuff here. Ultimately, you have to decide your philosophy of DB
management. For me, if I’m building something by myself, I don’t do
multiple migrations. Er… that is to say, once I create 'em & run 'em
I usually flatten them back into the 001 migration. This is, of
course, only pre-release.

I also created a rake task called “db:remigrate” which does a:
db:drop, db:create, db:migrate and data:load so I end up with fresh
tables, migrated and populated with some data (I opted not to manage
the data via fixtures, but that’s just me).

Once I’ve deployed, though, everything changes. From that point on,
001 is immutable and changes are migrations on top of it, although
with the same philosophy except the “flattening” is all post-001
changes flattened into a post-001 migration.

For example, if I made 3 different migration changes since the first
release of the app, I’d have 001, 002, 003, and 004, but then before i
released the changes to the live app, I’d flatten 002 - 004 into a
single 002 migration. That one then becomes the next immutable one.

This, of course, is only when I’m building the app myself. When in a
team, it’s a different process altogether.


Ar Chron wrote:

(create tables before views, etc).

Thanks for the great info and insights.

Should I be able to re-create the views after re-raking?

In 2.02 I think the creation of a controller, model, view, and a
db/migrate/file is condensed into one command line such as:

script/generate scaffold store name:string address:string zip:integer
state:references position:integer

It’s still a little foggy for me though so any clarity appreciated.


Dan P. wrote:

Should I be able to re-create the views after re-raking?

Sure. Just make sure your view migrations also drop the view on a
“down” invocation, and you can happily rake up or down your versions,
and all the pieces and parts will be maintained.

class CreateScenarioviews < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
x_sql = "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW scenarioviews AS SELECT "
x_sql += “ AS id,”
x_sql += “s.scen_name AS scen_name,”

blah blah blah

x_sql += " FROM (`scenarios` `s`"
x_sql += " JOIN `projects` `p` ON (`s`.`project_id` = `p`.`id`))"
execute x_sql


def self.down
execute "DROP VIEW scenarioviews"

ruby script/generate scaffold shortlived

… followed by

ruby script/destroy scaffold shortlived

did work.

It seems a bit overzealous to me… I just tried it in a tester
application I keep around (just for this kind of stuff), and it wiped
the scaffold.css (good reason not to use the default .css), but did
clear the test, model, and views for the shortlived model…

Got it. Thanks for all the help!

Of course, after posting, I realized that you might be thinking about
the MVC view, where I was talking about database views… my bad.

You’ll still have to update the generated xxx.html.erb views yourself as
you add/remove fields from a model. It’s the generator that writes the
initial view code from your:

script/generate scaffold store name:string address:string zip:integer
state:references position:integer

command. There might be a “de-generate” generator command lurking
somewhere where you could rake db:migrate VERSION=0, then degenerate
your model, views and controller to begin anew, but I haven’t found the
need (yet) to see if it really exists.

As long as you’re not working with multiple developers, all on
different database versions, or a production database that has been
migrated and also has in-use data in it!
