How do i list strings vertically down a website from a datab


I need to set up a page that lists words vertically, these words will be
read from a database. I would also like a text box at the bottom of the
list ready to add new words to the database, then have the newly added
word appear at the end of the list.

I own the agile web dev with rails book, but I cant get a pure answer to
my question from it. If you could just give me some lines of code you
think would work that would be great.

this is an example:

whats up

text box<< “how are you” (‘how are you’ is entered into the text box)

(the site will then reload and come back with this)

whats up
how are you

text box<<

This would probably do what you want… It would be more fun done
ajax calls (no page refresh) but this gives you the starting idea

class SimpleListController < ApplicationController
def index
@items = SimpleList.find(:all, :order=>“id”)
def create_item
unless params[:display_text].empty?
@items = SimpleList.create(:display_text=>params[:display_text])
redirect_to :action=>:index

---- View
<% for item in @items -%>
<%=item.display_text %>

<% end -%>
<% form_tag :action=>:create_item do -%>
<%=text_field_tag :display_text %>
<%=submit_tag “Add” %>
<% end %>

On Aug 10, 3:53 am, Matt P. [email protected]

Mr. Bris,

Thank you for this code, this is definitely what I needed. There are a
couple problems that I still need your help on; when I ran the code on
localhost it came back with an error:

Showing app/views/sample_list/add.rhtml where line #5 raised:

You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
You might have expected an instance of Array.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.each

Extracted source (around line #5):

3: please enter a word…
5: <% for item in @items -%>
6: <%=item.display_text %>

7: <% end -%>
8: <% form_tag :action=>:create_item do -%>

It talks about an unexpected nil character, so I’m thinking that I
should load the database with the first entry. If you think that is the
case, should I do some type of migration to make a new table in the DB?
In any event I would like to get your feed back.

Thanks again,


This should be the code in your migration file after you generated a

class CreateSimpleLists < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :simple_lists do |t|
t.column :display_text, :string

def self.down
drop_table :simple_lists

then “rake db:migrate”

On Aug 11, 1:13 am, Matt P. [email protected]

Mr. Bris

I did the migration, it showed up in the database but I still get the
same error. I tried putting something manually into the database, to
have a string in there for the code to grab, but it would not let me. Is
there anything else I’m not doing or seeing?



to load the db, I made an admin controller and put scaffold :sample in
it, but the same error keeps coming up.