how do I list all the tables in a database?
I’ve googled for a time but din’t found this information.
Is there an object to the database?
tkns in advance.
how do I list all the tables in a database?
I’ve googled for a time but din’t found this information.
Is there an object to the database?
tkns in advance.
Hi P. Pantouffe,
how do I list all the tables in a database?
with : ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables
– Jean-François.
À la renverse.
Thank u!
I have another one :). How can i get a list with all the classes in the
application after i wrote several models. ?
P. Pantouffe :
I have another one :). How can i get a list with all the classes in the
application after i wrote several models. ?
In production mode, for AR:B-based models :
but I’m not so sure…
– Jean-François.
À la renverse.
the otput for
<%= ActiveRecord::Base.send(:subclasses).to_s %> is
i am in development, should these be the cause?
P. Pantouffe wrote:
Thank u!
I have another one :). How can i get a list with all the classes in the
application after i wrote several models. ?
This code, derived from annotate plugin
(http://svn.pragprog.com/Public/plugins/annotate_models/), processes all
models contained in app/models/
def model_files
Dir.chdir(MODEL_DIR) do
models = Dir[“**/*.rb”]
def process_model_files
model_files.each do |m|
class_name = m.sub(/.rb$/,‘’).camelize
klass = class_name.split(‘::’).inject(Object){ |klass,part|
klass.const_get(part) } rescue nil
if klass && klass < ActiveRecord::Base && ! klass.abstract_class?
#your code
Not exactly what you are asking for, but might be useful:
it annotates your models
On Jan 25, 8:03 am, “P. Pantouffe” [email protected]
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