How do I initialise

Hi, I’m playing around with module instance variables. I can set one up
and initialise it when the module is included in a class. What I can’t
work out is how I initialise one when a class inherits another class
that includes the module.


This creates two classes, the first inherits a module that contains an
instance variable. The second inherits the first. The instance variable
in the first class is initialised as expected, the second (inherited
one) is not. The output I get is below:

the data for class One is Tue Apr 06 15:10:43 +0000 2010
the data for class Two is

How should I modify the module so that the initialisation takes place
when the module is included via inheritance ?


On Apr 6, 4:12 pm, John L. [email protected] wrote:

one) is not. The output I get is below:

the data for class One is Tue Apr 06 15:10:43 +0000 2010
the data for class Two is

You’ve got class instance variables which (unlike class variables)
aren’t shared around the inheritance hierachy at all. This is a
slightly murky area which I wrote a bit about here:

Searching for class instance variables should also turn up some
interesting reading material.


This is a slightly murky area

A murky area indeed. Been away from it for a few days but just sorted
myself out with your help. Scope when playing with module that extend
classes is little short of a nightmare.