How do I get an original file name from an upload using file

I am uploading a .csv file for importing into a database; however, this
does not need to be saved on the server. How do I get the file name of
original file? I know about the file_column plugin but I don’t need/want
save the uploaded file on the server, I just need to import it and
it. Right now the file name get returned as some random temp file
there has to be an easy way to do this. Thanks for any help.

This is what I currently have…
In the controller:
def upload

file_contents = params[:document][:file]
FasterCSV.parse(file_contents) do |row|
result = Source.create_from_csv_array(row)
logger.error(result.inspect) if result.kind_of?(Exception)
redirect_to :action => ‘update_charges’

In the view:

Import CSV file

<%= start_form_tag( { :action => 'upload' }, { :multipart => true } ) %> Select .CSV file
<%= file_field 'document', 'file' %> <%= submit_tag 'Upload' %> <%= end_form_tag %>

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On Jul 28, 2006, at 10:11 AM, jmcopeland wrote:

I am uploading a .csv file for importing into a database; however,
this file
does not need to be saved on the server. How do I get the file name
of the
original file?

file_contents = params[:document][:file]

I guess you want file_contents.original_filename.

– fxn