How do I access a my :include data in my Ruby SQL results

I am new to Ruby on Rails, so this is probably a very easy answer:

Two tables – one of authors, one of books
authors belong_to books
In my situation, each book can only have one author.

I want to list all the books (with the author name) in a Select field.

@all_books = Book.find( :all, :include => [:authors] )

Then, I create the Select statement:

select(:book, :id, @all_books.collect {|b| [b.book_name + " (" + b.author_name + “)”, ] }) %>

This creates an error because I’m trying to include the author_name.
When I run @all_books.inspect, I can see the author info in there.

So, how do I actually access the author data from that array (or object,
or whatever the correct terminology is)?


DL Buss wrote:

I am new to Ruby on Rails, so this is probably a very easy answer:

Rails (the web framework) is not the same as Ruby (the programming
language). So you would do much better to ask your question on a Rails
mailing list or forum. They are linked from

Agreed that it is better to use the Rails list/group. But you probably