How can I use variable as a attribute name

I’m unable to use the attribute name (variable) to verify the button
with the attribute value exists.

I’ve tried the following:

#Set Variables
$attribute_nm = “type”
$attribute_val = “submit”

#Verify Button Exists
if $ie.button(:$attribute_nm,$attribute_val).exists?

#Verify Button Exists
if $ie.button(:+$attribute_nm,$attribute_val).exists?

#Verify Button Exists
if $ie.button($attribute_nm,$attribute_val).exists?



On Feb 5, 2:23 pm, Darin D. [email protected] wrote:

if $ie.button(:$attribute_nm,$attribute_val).exists?

#Verify Button Exists
if $ie.button(:+$attribute_nm,$attribute_val).exists?

#Verify Button Exists
if $ie.button($attribute_nm,$attribute_val).exists?

Wow, that’s a lot of global variables. If it’s a symbol you want:
irb(main):001:0> f = “foo”
=> “foo”
irb(main):002:0> p f.to_sym, f.intern, :“#{f}”

If it’s a method call you’re trying to do based on the variable, see
the Object#send method:

C:>ri Object#send

obj.send(symbol [, args…]) => obj
obj.send(symbol [, args…]) => obj

 Invokes the method identified by _symbol_, passing it any

specified. You can use +send+ if the name +send+ clashes with
an existing method in obj.

    class Klass
      def hello(*args)
        "Hello " + args.join(' ')
    k =
    k.send :hello, "gentle", "readers"   #=> "Hello gentle


I assume from context that you’re using Watir. I’m pretty sure Watir
is expecting a symbol there for the first argument, which is probably
why your attempts aren’t working. Maybe try using the to_sym method
of the String class, like this:

if $ie.button($attribute_nm.to_sym,$attribute_val).exists?

Good luck,


wade wrote:

I assume from context that you’re using Watir. I’m pretty sure Watir
is expecting a symbol there for the first argument, which is probably
why your attempts aren’t working. Maybe try using the to_sym method
of the String class, like this:

if $ie.button($attribute_nm.to_sym,$attribute_val).exists?

Good luck,


Nice! That worked. This will save me tons of extra lines of Code.

Thanks Wade, Your the greatest.