How can i use link_to_remote with in form_for

anybody plz help me how can i use link_to_remote with in form_for… i
tried but no luck… if i use form_tag i can able to use link_to_remote
and made ajax call.but i need to use form_for …can anyone help me how
can i do with this.Thanks in advance.

On 14 Jul 2008, at 16:23, Palani K. wrote:

anybody plz help me how can i use link_to_remote with in
form_for… i
tried but no luck… if i use form_tag i can able to use
and made ajax call.but i need to use form_for …can anyone help me
can i do with this.Thanks in advance.

A little detail would help (ie what doesn’t work if you just bung a
link_to_remote in your form ?)

why not use form_remote_for ?
gives you an ajax call to and the form_for stuff

anyway, please give us more details, what you want to
do, and/or what exactly your problem is.

for link_to_remote it doesn’t matter, if it’s within a form
or not and it’ll display & work as everywhere else.
so if you have problems, they’re specific to your code.

On 14 Jul 2008, at 17:12, Palani K. wrote:

=>‘Available’},:with => “‘user_name=’+$F(‘username’)”,:complete =>

The problem here is that the id of your username textfield isn’t
username (it will be something like user_username). Check your html.


Palani K. wrote:

anybody plz help me how can i use link_to_remote with in form_for… i
tried but no luck… if i use form_tag i can able to use link_to_remote
and made ajax call.but i need to use form_for …can anyone help me how
can i do with this.Thanks in advance.

Actually i work user avilability the newuser choose the
username and check whether his username already available or not.

my form looks:-

 <% form_for :user,@user, :url => {:controller => 'account', :action 

=> ‘signup_new’} do |f| %>

Choose Username : <%= f.text_field 'username', :class => "text-n", :tabindex => 2 %> <% link_to_remote "check",url => {:controller => 'account',:action =>'Available'},:with => "'user_name='+$F('username')",:complete => 'alert(request.responseText)'

In controller:

def Available
@u= User.find_by_username(params[:user_name])
if @u !=nil
if request.xhr?

      render(:text => "User Name Already exist" , :layout => false)
     render(:text => "User Name doesn't exist ",:layout => false )



 If i use form_tag it works fine (ie.Alert box popup with ajax 

response message)…If I use form_for_remote,form_remote_for the ajax
call doesn’t made this is my exact problem. I need use the form which
involves model also.

Frederick C. wrote:

On 14 Jul 2008, at 17:12, Palani K. wrote:

=>‘Available’},:with => “‘user_name=’+$F(‘username’)”,:complete =>

The problem here is that the id of your username textfield isn’t
username (it will be something like user_username). Check your html.


Hi Fred
Thank you so much man…now its working for me… the is
error exactly what you specify. Thanks you so much