How can I turn escape processing off in JDBC-based ActiveRecord?

Dear list,

I’m having a bit of a problem and it took me a while to narrow it
down. I’m working with a database that has a prescribed naming
convention for the columns. Unfortunately, this naming convention
includes the use of curly braces in the names of columns. So, for
example, I might have a column called COLUMN[{_01}]. Inside the MySQL
client, this presents no problems. The statement:


works just fine and as it did when I used it with ActiveRecord via Ruby.

However, when I switched to JRuby, I got a nasty surprise:

Unknown column Column[] in statement ‘SELECT COLUMN[{_01}] FROM TABLE’

which seemed kind of odd to me because, well, COLUMN[] does not appear
in the statement. That’s when I learned about SQL escape sequences and
that JDBC processes SQL escape sequences by default which means that
the jdbcmysql adapter is processing escape sequences by default. Using
JDBC directly, I can fix my problem as follows:

stmt = conn.createStatement
stmt.setEscapeProcessing( false)
rs = stmt.executeQuery(“SELECT COLUMN[{_01}] FROM TABLE”)

What I would like to hear is that there is an escape_processing
parameter to setting up ActiveRecord as in:

adapter: jdbcmysql
escape_processing: false
database: testapp_development
username: root
password: root

However, I doubt this is the case. I did a bit of digging in the gems
and I just couldn’t identify where I could put the expression:

stmt.setEscapeProcessing( false)

in the code. Perhaps a list reader could be of some assistance? Is
there an alternative.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Stephyn B. [email protected]

The statement:
works just fine and as it did when I used it with ActiveRecord via Ruby.
However, when I switched to JRuby, I got a nasty surprise:
Unknown column Column[] in statement ‘SELECT COLUMN[{_01}] FROM TABLE’
which seemed kind of odd to me because, well, COLUMN[] does not appear in
the statement. That’s when I learned about SQL escape sequences and that
JDBC processes SQL escape sequences by default which means that the
jdbcmysql adapter is processing escape sequences by default.

What I would like to hear is that there is an escape_processing parameter to
setting up ActiveRecord as in:
escape_processing: false

However, I doubt this is the case. I did a bit of digging in the gems and I
just couldn’t identify where I could put the expression:
stmt.setEscapeProcessing( false)
in the code. Perhaps a list reader could be of some assistance? Is there an

WAG: Set this property: processEscapeCodesForPrepStmts
:: in your connection string in database.yml?

Adjust per the version of Connector/J you’re actually running :slight_smile:


Hassan S. ------------------------ [email protected]
twitter: @hassan

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