I am using ruby-1.9.3.
I am deleting installed gems one by one by folllowing command:
gem uninstall “gem name”
That is works But when I am using that command for some gems like
“bigdecimal” then following output come:
gem uninstall bigdecimal
INFO: gem “bigdecimal” is not installed".
What is a meaning of this? Means should I take it as that gem is not
Kind regards.
If you want to see which gems are installed you can use the command “gem
I would expect that when Ruby says that a gem is not installed, that gem
is not installed.
Joel P. wrote in post #1142635:
If you want to see which gems are installed you can use the command “gem
I would expect that when Ruby says that a gem is not installed, that gem
is not installed.
Thank you for your answer.
Kind regards.