How can I set window background?

hi, I have problem when I want to set window background
I use this

@window =

and if I want to set background color I will use

@window.modify_bg(STATE_NORMAL,*254, 253*253,


It work in color but I want image for background how can I do it??

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 7:12 PM, Pat K.
[email protected] wrote:

@window.modify_bg(STATE_NORMAL,, 253253,

It work in color but I want image for background how can I do it??

You might try an approach similar to:

Guillaume C. - Guillaume Cottenceau

sub set_bg{

my $values;
my ($widget, $context, @other_params) = @_;
my $colormap = $window->get_default_colormap;
my $pixbuff = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file(“figure.png”);
my $graphicContext = Gtk2::GC->get(Gtk2::Gdk::Visual->get_best_depth,

what is “my ($widget, $context, @other_params) = @_”???
I don’t understand all above- -"
can you convert set_bg fuction to ruby language for me please :’(

with ‘my’ you initialize a variable

I hate perl syntax. :wink:

Ruby is a lot cleaner.

Define a function (def)

sub set_bg{

initialize values (variables)

my $values;

convert parameters to vars
usage is set_bg($widget,$context,@other_params) in perl

my ($widget, $context, @other_params) = @_;

with ‘my’ you initialize a variable (in object window are using a method

my $colormap = $window->get_default_colormap;

my $pixbuff = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file(“figure.png”);
my $graphicContext = Gtk2::GC->get(Gtk2::Gdk::Visual->get_best_depth,

what is “my ($widget, $context, @other_params) = @_”???
I don’t understand all above- -"
can you convert set_bg fuction to ruby language for me please :’(

Greets from Argentina!
By ToCaDo157