How can I manage sessions file in tmp

I have huge number of file in tmp/sessions/ , so how can I manage
that. It takes many storage spaces.
Is It possible to config sessions expire to solve that problem or any

Thank You

Artit S. [First Rails Hosting in Thailand] (Ruby Thai Language)

On Nov 14, 2007, at 4:17 AM, Artit S. wrote:

I have huge number of file in tmp/sessions/ , so how can I manage
that. It takes many storage spaces.
Is It possible to config sessions expire to solve that problem or
any plug-ins

Have Rails use your database for Sessions.

– gw (

On 14 Nov 2007, at 17:23, Greg W. wrote:

That’s a good thing, but as far as actually getting rid of old
sessions, a lot of people just have a cron job that removes old
session files/rows


Frederick C. wrote:

Have Rails use your database for Sessions.

That’s a good thing, but as far as actually getting rid of old
sessions, a lot of people just have a cron job that removes old
session files/rows

I would advise to use tmpwatch for this. Cleaning temporary files left
over by aborted programs or programs that don’t clean after themselves
is mandatory if you don’t want a partition to blow up in the end.
Tmpwatch does this efficiently with minimum configuration.
