How can i execute *.cgi files via browser?

I have setup nginx for using perl via this scenario

I can run *.pl files but not *.cgi files. Callin a *.cgi file via the
browser results in a

You have chosen to open
which is a: BIN file
Would you like to save this file?

I ve tried to fix this via the mime.types file

application/x-perl                    pl pm cgi;

but that doesn’ t work. How can i execute *.cgi files like *.pl files
via browser url?

On Sat, 2009-03-07 at 05:58 -0800, Dieter Zinke wrote:

I ve tried to fix this via the mime.types file

application/x-perl                    pl pm cgi;

but that doesn’ t work. How can i execute *.cgi files like *.pl files via browser url?

Make sure you clear your browser’s cache after changing mime types.
