How big is your Radiant site?

So I was wondering, what’s the record for most pages on a radiant
install? Don’t be shy, people! Whose content reigns supreme?

More to the point, have you found that the amount of pages have an
effect on Radiant’s performance?


On Tue, 22 May 2007, Andrew O’Brien wrote:

So I was wondering, what’s the record for most pages on a radiant
install? Don’t be shy, people! Whose content reigns supreme?

I have one Radiant site. It has three articles.

More to the point, have you found that the amount of pages have an
effect on Radiant’s performance?

Really not. I’m very happy that the performance wasn’t noticably
when we tripled our content.


[email protected] wrote:

Really not. I’m very happy that the performance wasn’t noticably affected
when we tripled our content.

Haha, same here. Plus Radiant’s caching system additionally reduces the
load on my database.

Andrew: You may want to avoid deep directory hierarchies on your site
due to the recursive database queries Radiant performs.


Andrew: You may want to avoid deep directory hierarchies on your site
due to the recursive database queries Radiant performs.


Oh, good point. How deep is “deep”? Does radiant execute a query for
each level of the page tree that it traverses (and on each request)?
Could some kind of caching solution like memcached (or even just
storing it in memory) be used instead (or is it already)?


Andrew O’Brien wrote:

Andrew: You may want to avoid deep directory hierarchies on your site
due to the recursive database queries Radiant performs.


Oh, good point. How deep is “deep”? Does radiant execute a query for
each level of the page tree that it traverses (and on each request)?
Could some kind of caching solution like memcached (or even just
storing it in memory) be used instead (or is it already)?

Radiant has built-in caching, one of Radiant’s main features in fact.
With this caching being enabled it does not need to query the database
at all when a cached page is requested. This, however, is likely to
conflict with your plans of fine grained authorization. Without caching
I believe Radiant needs to execute one database query per hierarchy
level to find the right page, though I am not sure if Rails does some
magic and caches database records. Memcached might help here.


I’m testing Radiant here:

Sometimes it takes to much time to open the pages(only 3 or 4 for
now), but i don’t know if its problem of Dreamhost or if its my
internet conection… I’ve tried in different places but the delay
don’t reduces.

I’m using the package version(not gem) radiant 0.6.1. How can I test
if its slowness is guilt of Dreamhost or not?

Thanks a lot.

Seems pretty speedy to me. My guess is you’re experiencing “Dreamhost
hell” like many people have on occasion.


On Tue, 22 May 2007, Sylvestre Mergulhão wrote:

I’m testing Radiant here:

I’m using the package version(not gem) radiant 0.6.1. How can I test
if its slowness is guilt of Dreamhost or not?

Watch the log file. It will report how much time operations take.
Sometimes on Dreamhost, those numbers are insane, like negative times.

You can watch the log live with something like “tail -f
log/production.log” in a console as you use the site.


You can watch the log live with something like “tail -f
log/production.log” in a console as you use the site.

Ok, I will look that as son as I can. Opening the admin
( it delayed 20 seconds(counted by
fasterfox firefox extension) to open here… Its to much time


Andrew O’Brien wrote:

So I was wondering, what’s the record for most pages on a radiant
install? Don’t be shy, people! Whose content reigns supreme?

The Ruby Web site has 712 pages and counting.

More to the point, have you found that the amount of pages have an
effect on Radiant’s performance?

When pages are deeply nested or when a page has a ton of child pages it
can slow things down. In general though, because of Radiant’s caching
system, this isn’t a problem.

John L.

More to the point, have you found that the amount of pages have an
effect on Radiant’s performance?

A site I’m working on right now has about 150 pages.

More to the point, have you found that the amount of pages have an
effect on Radiant’s performance?

No impact that I’ve noticed.

On May 22, 2007, at 10:35 AM, Andrew O’Brien wrote:


Ryan H.
Art of Mission, Inc.
3720 Gattis School Rd #800 PMB 245
Round Rock, TX 78664

800-722-1492 (phone)
[email protected]

One Radiant site I run has over 160-pages under a single parent page;
Country Bus | Capital Area Rural Transportation System

While in the “Pages” admin area, expanding that particularly populous
will sometimes make the admin page hang and not load completely.

Using Radiant 0.5.2; that site has not been upgraded to 0.6, yet.


Web D.
A3 Design

On 5/22/07, Andrew O’Brien [email protected] wrote:

So I was wondering, what’s the record for most pages on a radiant
install? Don’t be shy, people! Whose content reigns supreme?

One of the sites that we’re running on a highly modified 0.5 is

It currently stands at around 250 pages and growing daily, all of which
served with no cacheing at all (on account of the login requirements)
with some quite poorly optimised recursive functions running in order to
generate the left-hand navigation bar.

More to the point, have you found that the amount of pages have an

effect on Radiant’s performance?

We did run into some memory issues when there were 3 mongrel instances
running on a 256MB slice, but dropping it down to 2 has sorted that out
the site is running reasonably quickly again. Occasionally there are
some slow pages but I’m hoping to get some cacheing turned back on in an
up-coming rebuild that should eliminate that. Even as it currently
stands I
think we could double or triple the content on there without too much


Andrew: You may want to avoid deep directory hierarchies on
your site
due to the recursive database queries Radiant performs.


Oh, good point. How deep is “deep”? Does radiant execute a query for
each level of the page tree that it traverses (and on each request)?
Could some kind of caching solution like memcached (or even just
storing it in memory) be used instead (or is it already)?

This is no longer a problem - Radiant will currently run one database
query for each level of the page heirachy, but it’s only one
query, which isn’t going to add up to anything significant for any
reasonable value of ‘deep’ on a website. Cached pages don’t hit
the database at all and get served much faster than via rail’s regular
caching mechanism - It’s 5-10 times slower than serving a raw
html page through apache, but you’ll probably find that that’s more than
fast enough.

Radiant previously had a problem with WIDE directory heirachies - every
sibling would be loaded on the way down the tree - but that
is no longer the case for pages the use the regular slug mechanism (ie,
child url is /parent-url/slug) - Pages such as the
ArchivePage that rewrite the child urls (to, ie.
/parent-url/year/month/day/slug) will still exhibit that behaviour, but
it’s a
fairly simple problem to fix - I just have to get around to running
benchmarks on it, which is a bit of a PITA.

Back to the original question, I think I’m probably running the largest
radiant site ( - upwards of
1100 pages - most of these pages are in very wide heirachies (95% of my
pages are direct children of either /comics or /articles)
and have parent pages that rewrite their urls - pretty much the worst
case scenario for radiant performance, but my site performs


Ok, I will look that as son as I can. Opening the admin
( it delayed 20 seconds(counted by
fasterfox firefox extension) to open here… Its to much time

I’ve had this trouble with Dreamhost before. I think that Dreamhost
has a garbage collector process that goes around and kills old Rails
processes (or puts them to sleep or something). So your site might be
responsive, but then when you open up admin, it has to start your
application from scratch, which can take a while, like you observed.

  • Ryan

On May 22, 2007, at 11:44 AM, Sylvestre Mergulhão wrote:


Ryan H.
Art of Mission, Inc.
3720 Gattis School Rd #800 PMB 245
Round Rock, TX 78664

800-722-1492 (phone)
[email protected]

On 5/24/07, Mohit S. [email protected] wrote:

out how I can automate the loading of these pages into the database. I

Anyhow, I’m barely learning to walk with Radiant, so things are still a
bit of a way off, also because this part is out of curiosity right now
and not any specific work project. It took me 45 minutes to get to see
my “Hello World” page with Radiant when I started with an “empty”
project, so there’s a bit of a way to go. But anyway, the time was not
wasted - I’m almost done putting the steps (simple in retrospective)
into my blog entry so that someone else can benefit!



My own first Radiant website, actually for my wife’s nail salon
business at home, has ten pages and a blog with fifteen posts. It also
has a contact form, XML sitemap and RSS feed. According to Google
Analytics, we received an astounding 353 unique visitors since
November 2006, which viewed 2,578 pages.

Our dedicated dual processor server handles this impressive load quiet

Radiant rulez! Thanks.


Note: you can visit her at and put a smile
on her face by dropping a nice message using the Contact page,
preferably in French. This website degrades badly on Windows/IE.
Please use Linux/Firefox :wink:

As long as people are reporting success stories, I might as well add
ours. is chugging along with about 280 pages
and a couple of hundred unique visitors a day. It has a lot of
subsections presented on the front page, which led to fairly
intensive MySQL queries, which surprise, surprise TextDrive couldn’t
deal with. When we were still there, we had numerous crashes and
persistent MySQL errors. eventually, I got annoyed enough to change
servers and now things run great. I have a much smaller Raidant site
at Textdrive now and it is fine. I think it has been running for
several months without issue, but it is only a handful of pages and
some photos.

Something else to mention, my partner in crime had no html or
programming training, but has picked up Markdown and Radius tags and
is taking a very active role in maintaining the site. While some
users are put off by the “technical” approach that Radiant takes, it
can be easily learned.

Keith B.
Tel: +49-7731-79838380
[email protected]

Daniel S. wrote:

Back to the original question, I think I’m probably running the largest radiant site ( - upwards of
1100 pages - most of these pages are in very wide heirachies (95% of my pages are direct children of either /comics or /articles)
and have parent pages that rewrite their urls - pretty much the worst case scenario for radiant performance, but my site performs


Hi Dan,

I think that’s good to hear! The site that I’m planning is going to
start with a few technical manuals translated into HTML in perhaps 2
different languages. I’d say that I’m thinking of about 4 - 6 manuals x
200 pages each x 2 languages = approximately 2000 pages. So, naturally,
I’m a bit worried but I think aggressive caching will solve this problem
for me.

But right now, I’m spending some more time of my time trying to figure
out how I can automate the loading of these pages into the database. I
read an earlier thread about updating the data by using ActiveRecord
outside Rails/ Radiant and that seems to be one way. I don’t expect the
content to change too much too frequently, so a slightly slow update
will work for me! The more serious issue is in converting the PDF
manual into the HTML while still maintaining the semantic meaning of the

After that’s done, I need to work on finding a way to let people log in
and add comments about the content - so, then I’ll be looking out at
other extensions.

Anyhow, I’m barely learning to walk with Radiant, so things are still a
bit of a way off, also because this part is out of curiosity right now
and not any specific work project. It took me 45 minutes to get to see
my “Hello World” page with Radiant when I started with an “empty”
project, so there’s a bit of a way to go. But anyway, the time was not
wasted - I’m almost done putting the steps (simple in retrospective)
into my blog entry so that someone else can benefit!
