How are closures implemented?

I’m one of those people who needs to see/understand a typical
implementation of something before I can grok how it works.

How are closures implemented? How does the closure know about its
environment? Since a block can use the various flavors of eval, it seems
to me that the closure needs access to everything.

Seems like magic to me.

I have looked at but
I am still not grokking it.

Anyone have a link they can recommend on how closures are implemented?

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Arthur C. Clarke

Ralph S. писал 20.02.2012 12:37:

I’m one of those people who needs to see/understand a typical
implementation of something before I can grok how it works.

How are closures implemented? How does the closure know about its
environment? Since a block can use the various flavors of eval, it
seems to me that the closure needs access to everything.

I would just say that for cases like this:

 def a(x); eval("x"); end

Ruby keeps a list of local variables and its names in runtime and has
an internal method_missing dispatch logic which looks up undefined
in the local variable table.

I wasn’t able to find the relevant source in reasonable time, but the
truth is out there. Someone more familiar with MRI sources than me
correct this.

Seems like magic to me.

… and it pretty much is magic.

Ralph S. wrote in post #1047769:

How are closures implemented? How does the closure know about its

The closure is the environment.

Are you familiar with local variables allocated on a stack? Then instead
imagine stack frames allocated out of the heap, in a linked list.
Instead of being deallocated at the end of a function, they are
garbage-collected when there are no more references to them, just like
any other object.


Thursday, February 23, 2012, 6:10:28 AM, you wrote:

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 11:23 PM, Brian C. [email protected]

any other object.
This is the best explanation about closures I have read in a long time,

Ralph, try this and see whether it helps the explanation sink in:

def f(x)
lambda { x += 1 },
lambda { x += 0.5 },

a, b = f(0)

3.times do

Note how there is just a single environment which is shared by the two

Kind regards


On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Ralph S. [email protected]


Is z “on the stack” or “merely” in scope?

I think both.

As I understand it, z is bound to the closure.


But how does Ruby know?

z is a local variable in the scope which invokes define_method and
thus visible to the method body because you did not use def which
introduces a completely separate scope and not a nested scope as a
block does. From the scoping perspective your example is no different

z = 0

10.times.to_a.each do |y|
z += y

The only difference really is that by using define_method you retain
another closure as method body from which the (additionally to
storing the lambdas in a variable after the method call). So you have

  1. closure is the method body and it has access to z because that is
    in the scope visible to the block passed to #define_method.
  2. and 3. closure are the two lambdas returned which access the same z
    also visible to the first closure.

Typically programming language implementations store local variables
on the stack so it does not make a difference whether we are talking
about a method argument or local variable - both would sit on the
stack. For the details you would have to look at the source.

Kind regards
