I’m playing around with the new (to me) UIManager class to build
application menus, and I was wondering how you can access each of the
menu items to add a handler for the “selected” signal.
If I have to walk the menu items after getting the top-level menus with
uimanager[“/MenuBar”], that’s fine, but I’m actually not sure which
methods I’m supposed to use to traverse the children. Using
doesn’t seem to give me the menu items as I would expect. I get things
#<Gtk::ImageMenuItem:0x7fe166e4abc0 ptr=0xc500c0>
#<Gtk::AccelLabel:0x7fe166e4a878 ptr=0xd37130>
#<Gtk::Image:0x7fe166e4a800 ptr=0xc50170>
What I’m actually trying to do is add a selected handler to each menu
item so that I can update the status bar with additional information.
Anyone with a better idea on how to do this (code would be nice! :),
please feel free to adjust my thinking.
I don’t seem to find any examples for this anywhere. I know I could do
it if I added the menu items manually, but I’m trying to use the new
tools (and the merge stuff will be handy for my app too).
Thanks in advance,
Andrew S. Townley [email protected]