i am new to rails help me to solve this simple problem, i’m using
sqlite db in rails…i want to work and use oracle database now for
upcomming rails application here is my ruby and rails version
rails 3.2.1
and i tried connecting rails3 with oracle 8i but i could not
rails3 and ruby 1.9 environment supports oracle 8i or whether i have to
for the oracle version like 10g and above. kindly tell me what are the
things i need to download,packages and gems needed in order to configure
oracle in rails and give me the step by step instruction to do the same.
On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 12:20 AM, New_to_Rails [email protected]wrote:
i am new to rails help me to solve this simple problem, i’m using default
sqlite db in rails…i want to work and use oracle database now for
upcomming rails application here is my ruby and rails version
rails 3.2.1
Try doing this on upcoming apps
rails new --help
you’ll see that there’s an option -d that will set the type of db you
to use
rails new <app_name> -d oracle
here’s the explanation
and i tried connecting rails3 with oracle 8i but i could not connect…did
rails3 and ruby 1.9 environment supports oracle 8i or whether i have to go
for the oracle version like 10g and above. kindly tell me what are the
things i need to download,packages and gems needed in order to configure
oracle in rails and give me the step by step instruction to do the same.
I don’t have oracle installed here (and I’ve never used), but if you
to do a connection, you have to modify the database.yml file located in
config folder inside your app directory
On Tuesday, 22 January 2013 21:20:43 UTC-8, New_to_Rails wrote:
and i tried connecting rails3 with oracle 8i but i could not connect…did
rails3 and ruby 1.9 environment supports oracle 8i or whether i have to go
for the oracle version like 10g and above. kindly tell me what are the
things i need to download,packages and gems needed in order to configure
oracle in rails and give me the step by step instruction to do the same.
First thing you’re going to need to do is be more specific. “Could not
connect” is not enough detail for anybody to figure out the problem -
messages, stacktraces, etc are far more likely to yield results.
Also, you’ll want to include what operating system you’re on -
troubleshooting Oracle on Windows is vastly different than on Linux.
You may also have more luck going to an Oracle-specific group: