The goal of this assignment is to ask the user for the price of each of
their items and print out a receipt using your own defined methods. I’ve
been doing well in the class(ahead actually) until the last two weeks
and I want to stay ahead.
This is what I have so far…
puts “Enter shopping cart item prices, one per line.\n”
puts “Press 0 when you are finished.\n”
items_in_cart = []
subtotal_cart = 0.0
subtotal_tax = 0.0
total_cost = 0.0
SALES_TAX = 0.07
def get_items_from_user()
items = []
item = ask_user_for_number(“Enter item price:”)
while (item != 0.0) do
item = ask_user_for_number("Enter item price:")
return items
def ask_user_for_number(question_to_ask)
puts question_to_ask
response = gets().chomp().to_f()
def get_subtotal(cart_items)
subtotal = 0.0
cart_items.each() do |item|
subtotal = subtotal + item
return subtotal
def calculate_tax (cart_total)
return cart_total * SALES_TAX
puts get_items_from_user
puts ask_user_for_number
puts get_subtotal
puts calculate_tax
puts "Item subtotal: " + subtotal_cart.to_s()
puts "Sales Tax: " + subtotal_tax.to_s()
puts "Total: " + total_cost.to_s()
I keep getting this error
rb:43 in ‘ask_user_for_number’ : wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
(Argument Error)
I have no idea what this means…and I don’t see what’s wrong in the
‘ask_user_for_number’ method so, I don’t even know where to begin to fix
Thanks in advance for any help.