Hoe-heroku 0.1.0 Released

hoe-heroku version 0.1.0 has been released!

hoe-heroku is a little tiny Hoe plugin that helps you out with getting
your stuff on Heroku. I know this seems like a weird fit, but I’m
working on a project that will ship ready to run on Heroku, and maybe
you are too?

Right now, all it does is generate your .gems manifest. Later, it’ll
help you push to Heroku too. Maybe. If I decide I care.

Anyway: sudo gem install hoe-heroku, and enable the plugin with:

Hoe.plugin :heroku.

Code is at GitHub. Issues should be filed there. Patches, as always,
are welcome. GitHub - bleything/hoe-heroku: Some little Heroku-related helpers for Hoe


0.1.0 / 2011-02-07

  • add rake heroku:dotgems