hoe version 2.6.0 has been released!
- http://rubyforge.org/projects/seattlerb/
- http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/hoe/
- http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/hoe/Hoe.pdf
- http://github.com/jbarnette/hoe-plugin-examples
Hoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It helps you
manage and maintain, and release your project and includes a dynamic
plug-in system allowing for easy extensibility. Hoe ships with
plug-ins for all your usual project tasks including rdoc generation,
testing, packaging, and deployment.
See class rdoc for help. Hint: ri Hoe
or any of the plugins listed
For extra goodness, see: http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/hoe/Hoe.pdf
2.6.0 / 2010-03-27
6 minor enhancements:
- Added ‘.’ to load path for (bad) 1.9.2 changes
- Added rdoc_locations array to the publish plugin to allow for
multiple arbitrary rdoc locations- Refactored old rubyforge rdoc location to the rubyforge plugin.
- Added require_ruby_version and require_rubygems_version.
- Cleaned up dep tests
- Hoe now depends on rubygems 1.3.6 instead of the gemcutter gem.
- Remove ext from default_ruby_flags and require_paths. (luis)
2 bug fixes:
- Fixed test command to use ‘–’ before filter args
- Tweaked .hoerc error to point to a fix.