Hoe 1.1.7 Released

hoe version 1.1.7 has been released!

[email protected]

Hoe is a simple rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It
generates all the usual tasks for projects including rdoc generation,
testing, packaging, and deployment.

Tasks Provided:

  • announce - Generate email announcement file and post to
  • audit - Run ZenTest against the package
  • check_manifest - Verify the manifest
  • clean - Clean up all the extras
  • debug_gem - Show information about the gem.
  • default - Run the default tasks
  • docs - Build the docs HTML Files
  • email - Generate email announcement file.
  • install - Install the package. Uses PREFIX and RUBYLIB
  • install_gem - Install the package as a gem
  • multi - Run the test suite using multiruby
  • package - Build all the packages
  • post_news - Post announcement to rubyforge.
  • publish_docs - Publish RDoc to RubyForge
  • release - Package and upload the release to rubyforge.
  • ridocs - Generate ri locally for testing
  • test - Run the test suite. Use FILTER to add to the
    command line.
  • test_deps - Show which test files fail when run alone.
  • uninstall - Uninstall the package.

See class rdoc for help. Hint: ri Hoe


= 1.1.7 2007-01-10

I’m glad this project’s name comes from an analogy to rake. When I
first saw it, I imagined something quite different. I think I’ve been
listening to too much rap.

Giles B.


On Jan 12, 2007, at 1:04 AM, Giles B. wrote:

I’m glad this project’s name comes from an analogy to rake. When I
first saw it, I imagined something quite different. I think I’ve been
listening to too much rap.

There was a very funny movie about this in the hoe introduction at

James Edward G. II

Giles B. wrote:

I’m glad this project’s name comes from an analogy to rake. When I
first saw it, I imagined something quite different. I think I’ve been
listening to too much rap.

See Ryan’s RubyConf06 slides:

[Wait! They’re not up at Ruby | zenspider.com | by ryan davis]

Ryan, What’s up?


On Jan 12, 2007, at 5:10 AM, Bil K. wrote:

Giles B. wrote:

I’m glad this project’s name comes from an analogy to rake. When I
first saw it, I imagined something quite different. I think I’ve been
listening to too much rap.

See Ryan’s RubyConf06 slides:

[Wait! They’re not up at Ruby | zenspider.com | by ryan davis]

Ryan, What’s up?

Only one person sent me anything… so I didn’t bother. Chad and/or
David were supposed to ping the presenters. I’d love to put the
slides up. I’ll write rubytalk asking for them.