Hoe 1.1.1 Released

hoe version 1.1.1 has been released!

[email protected]

Hoe is a simple rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It
generates all the usual tasks for projects including rdoc generation,
testing, packaging, and deployment.

Tasks Provided:

  • announce - Generate email announcement file and post to
  • audit - Run ZenTest against the package
  • check_manifest - Verify the manifest
  • clean - Clean up all the extras
  • debug_gem - Show information about the gem.
  • default - Run the default tasks
  • docs - Build the docs HTML Files
  • email - Generate email announcement file.
  • install - Install the package. Uses PREFIX and RUBYLIB
  • multi - Run the test suite using multiruby
  • package - Build all the packages
  • post_news - Post announcement to rubyforge.
  • publish_docs - Publish RDoc to RubyForge
  • release - Package and upload the release to rubyforge.
  • ridocs - Generate ri locally for testing
  • test - Run the test suite. Use FILTER to add to the
    command line.
  • uninstall - Uninstall the package.

See class rdoc for help. Hint: ri Hoe


= 1.1.1 2006-10-11

Ryan D. wrote:

hoe version 1.1.1 has been released!

I just went to your blog, saw your whine about releases, and typed

sudo gem install hoe

installing 1.1.0. And now I have to do it again!

So … there’s rake and hoe – anyone for trowel or shovel or spade or


Seriously, how long will it take 1.1.1 to show up?

Garden weasel?

Seriously, how long will it take 1.1.1 to show up?

Anything released to RubyForge can take an hour before mirrored.
