Hobo and other gems for rapid prototyping

Don Z., thanks for bringing up the hobo gem for rapid prototyping.
I know that I wasn’t the first person to think of the idea of
the process of starting a Rails site instead of having to follow all of
steps in chapters 3 through 9 of Rails tutorial. I learned a lot from
creating my copy_rails_tutorial gem, but I now see that my rapid
prototyping gem is very crude.

From a Google search, I see that there are many other rapid prototyping
gems as well. I’d like to hear from those of you who like to use these
rapid prototyping gems. Which one do you prefer, and why do you prefer
that rapid prototyping gem over the others? I’m sure that they all have
their share of strengths and weaknesses.

I’d recommend learning the core rails architecture before working on any
the rapid prototyping gems. I did the same mistake and i think its not
worth it. Here is my story.

I started learning hobo without any prior rails knowledge and after a
certain period i hit the wall. its because i couldn’t figure out the
internals of rails routing and controllers or even model callbacks. So i
went back to learn rails and finally figured out how rapid prototyping
it “under the hood”. So once you understand this, you can make full use
rapid prototyping the way it should be.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 6:07 AM, Jason H., Rubyist
[email protected]