Hitimes 0.2.1 Released

hitimes version 0.2.1 has been released.

gem install hitimes


Hitimes is a fast, high resolution timer library for recording
metrics. It uses the appropriate C method calls for each system to get
highest granularity time increments possible.

It currently supports any system with the POSIX call clock_gettime() and
Windows is in the works.

Using Hitimes can be faster than using a series of Time.new calls, and
it will
have a much higher granularity. It is definitely faster than using

{{ Release notes for Version 0.2.1 }}

  • added Timer#rate method
  • switched to darkfish rdoc



Using Hitimes can be faster than using a series of Time.new calls, and
it will
have a much higher granularity. It is definitely faster than using

Might be nice to make a plugin for rails such that it augments
Benchmark.realtime and Benchmark.measure with your amazing library [as a
dropin speedup].
Thanks for the lib!
ref: Garbage Collection is Why Ruby on Rails is Slow: Patches to Improve Performance 5x; Memory Profiling - Acunote Blog

On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 02:43:39AM +0900, Roger P. wrote:

ref: Garbage Collection is Why Ruby on Rails is Slow: Patches to Improve Performance 5x; Memory Profiling - Acunote Blog
Good idea, but first things first, need to get it working on Windows.

