I have several text files that look like this:
Brazil, 10
Brazil, 13
Brazil, 9
Bulgaria, 1
Canada, 48
Canada, 52
Canada, 38
Canada, 55
Canada, 59
Chile, 1
Chile, 1
Chile, 2
China, 7
China, 18
China, 19
China, 22
China, 25
I need to iterate through the above file(s) and get the data
summarized in the form:
Canada, 252
China, 91
Chile, 4
Brazil, 32
Bulgaria, 1
I know how to go from a single column list with multiple repeated
values to a ‘histogram’ type list, ie:
my_hash = countries.inject(Hash.new { 0 }) { |counts, key| counts[key]
+= 1; counts}
my_hash = my_hash.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }
but I’m unable to figure out how to get the 2-column csv values into a
total by country as shown above.
(I do have another file “countries.txt” which is a unique list of
Thanks in advance!
On 2/8/07, Charles L. Snyder [email protected] wrote:
I need to iterate through the above file(s) and get the data
summarized in the form:
Canada, 252
China, 91
Chile, 4
Brazil, 32
Bulgaria, 1
countries = <<HERE
Brazil, 10
Brazil, 13
Brazil, 9
Bulgaria, 1
Canada, 48
Canada, 52
Canada, 38
Canada, 55
Canada, 59
Chile, 1
Chile, 1
Chile, 2
China, 7
China, 18
China, 19
China, 22
China, 25
totals = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = 0}
countries.each_line {|line|
country, n = line.split(/,\s*/)
totals[country] += n.to_i
totals.keys.sort_by {|i| -totals[i]}.each {|c|
puts “#{c}, #{totals[c]}”
On 07.02.2007 21:53, Charles L. Snyder wrote:
Canada, 59
summarized in the form:
Canada, 252
China, 91
Chile, 4
Brazil, 32
Bulgaria, 1
I would do that in stream mode, i.e. not first read all and then
summarize but directly summarize (see attached). Reason is, that this
is more efficient especially since these files look like they could be
I know how to go from a single column list with multiple repeated
values to a ‘histogram’ type list, ie:
my_hash = countries.inject(Hash.new { 0 }) { |counts, key| counts[key]
+= 1; counts}
I don’t know why you do this. Do you also need the number of
my_hash = my_hash.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }
but I’m unable to figure out how to get the 2-column csv values into a
total by country as shown above.
(I do have another file “countries.txt” which is a unique list of
You don’t need the second file unless you want to report zero counts for
countries not present.
Kind regards
Hi –
On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Charles L. Snyder wrote:
Canada, 38
values to a ‘histogram’ type list, ie:
my_hash = countries.inject(Hash.new { 0 }) { |counts, key| counts[key]
+= 1; counts}
my_hash = my_hash.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }
my_hash will actually become an array at that point 
but I’m unable to figure out how to get the 2-column csv values into a
total by country as shown above.
(I do have another file “countries.txt” which is a unique list of
Here’s one way:
require ‘scanf’
hash = Hash.new {0}
DATA.scanf("%s%d") {|key,count| hash[key] += count }
hash.sort.each {|k,v| puts “#{k} #{v}” }
Brazil, 10
Brazil, 13
Brazil, 9
Bulgaria, 1
That has the slight ugliness of including the comma in the key. You
could do:
hash[key.chomp(",")] += count
to avoid that, and then add the comma to the printout if you want it
On Feb 7, 2:53 pm, “Charles L. Snyder” [email protected] wrote:
Canada, 38
values to a ‘histogram’ type list, ie:
Thanks in advance!
hash = Hash.new(0)
Brazil, 10
Brazil, 13
Brazil, 9
Bulgaria, 1
Canada, 48
Canada, 52
Canada, 38
Canada, 55
Canada, 59
Chile, 1
Chile, 1
Chile, 2
China, 7
China, 18
China, 19
China, 22
China, 25".each{|s| s.split(‘,’).inject{|k,v| hash[k] += v.to_i }}
p hash