Hijack, or alias a method with a proc?


I have a Menu class with a add_item method, which takes a name
followed by a proc:

Menu(“TopLevelMenuName”).add_item(“NewMenuItemName”) { puts “Hello” }

I want to hijack this method so I can customize the menu in which the
proc is associated.

Class Menu
alias :_add_item :add_item
def add_item( *args )
p args

This captures the menuname string, but how do I get at the associated


Jim wrote:

Class Menu
alias :_add_item :add_item
def add_item( *args )

def add_item( *args , &block )
p args
  p args, block
  _add_item(*args, &block)

Thanks Joel, I was certain it could be done. I appreciate your time
and knowledge.
On May 18, 2:14 pm, Joel VanderWerf [email protected] wrote: