Hey all,
I tried to install the highcharts-rails plugin from github as specified
in the instructions:
Get the plugin:
script/plugin install git://github.com/loudpixel/highcharts-rails.git
Run the rake setup:
rake highcharts_rails:install
But when I run the script/plugin install…
It installs a couple of files only and not all the required files, I
presume, because when I run
rake highcharts_rails:install
I get the following:
rake aborted!
Don’t know how to build task ‘highcharts_rails:install’
All it installed for me was:
I noticed on the site GitHub - loudpixel/highcharts-rails: A plugin for displaying Highcharts graphs in Rails
It has all this:
file MIT-LICENSE February 08, 2010 Initial commit
file README.md February 09, 2010 Added installation section
to README [jsiarto]
file Rakefile February 08, 2010 Initial commit [abbottry]
directory generators/ February 08, 2010 Initial commit
file init.rb February 08, 2010 Initial commit [abbottry]
directory javascripts/ February 08, 2010 Added jquery 1.3.2
script [abbottry]
directory lib/ February 08, 2010 Initial commit [abbottry]
directory tasks/ February 08, 2010 Incorrect path to plugin
for rake task [abbottry]
directory test/ February 08, 2010 Initial commit [abbottry]
file uninstall.rb February 08, 2010 Initial commit
So I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong to not get these files installed
properly. Thanks for any response.