I’m sorry if this is a stupid question but I’m totally swamped.
I have a view where I have 2 radio_buttons with corresponding selection
box below each.
Initially I want the user only to see the two radio_buttons next to the
google map I’m showing. When the user selects one of the radio_buttons
the corresponding select box is shown.
This must all happen without the action having to go to the controller.
Both select boxes however as shown when the page loads and in IE6 I get
an error mesg “Form is undefinedâ€
Can I even do what I want to accomplish? Sorry that is what happens when
a mainframe programmer starts playing around programming for the web, he
gets very very lost
The ID names I use in the code below I got from viewing the source after
attempting various other variations. I even gave the radio_buttons and
select boxes ID names. But that did not work either.
Thanks for your time.
Here is the code in my view:
<%= GMap.header -%>
<%= render :partial => ‘garage’, :collection => @garages %>
<% form_for :garage_map, :url => { :action => :index } do |f| %>
<%= f.radio_button :filter, :garage %>A specific garage
<%= f.collection_select(:name, @garages, :id, :name) %>
<%= f.radio_button :filter, :make %>All garages for a make of car
<%= f.select(:car_make, garage::CAR_MAKES) %>
<%= submit_tag "Show Selection", :class => "submit" %>
<% end %><%= observe_field :garage_map_filter_garage,
:frequency => 0,
:before => “Element.hide(‘garage_map_name’)”,
:complete => “Element.show(‘garage_map_name’)” %>
<%= observe_field :garage_map_filter_make,
:frequency => 0,
:before => “Element.hide(‘garage_map_car_make’)”,
:complete => “Element.show(‘garage_map_car_make’)” %>
<%= @map.to_html %>
My applogies if you saw this post over at railsforum as well but I’m
desperate !