I have a Debian 4 machine with Ruby 1.8.6 (installed from source) and
some gems including Rails 2.1 and Phusion Passenger 2.0.3 (mod_rails,
which needs fastthread and rack gems). I want to update to the latest
patch of that version (1.8.6-p287), but I have my concerns. Can I do
it safely? Is there any warning, any catch? Will I have to reinstall
RubyGems and every single gem? What’s your advice before patching?
Will all the dependent apps be screwed up? I’m asking this because,
unfortunately, there’s no “make uninstall” command after installing
Ruby from source… Really! I tried, but failed miserably. The only
choice I see is to erase the folder where it’s located, I doubt
installing the patch overwrites all the files.
I have a Debian 4 machine with Ruby 1.8.6 (installed from source) and
some gems including Rails 2.1 and Phusion Passenger 2.0.3 (mod_rails,
which needs fastthread and rack gems). I want to update to the latest
patch of that version (1.8.6-p287)
The Phusion Passenger website recommends it is used in conjunction with
Ruby Enterprise Edition. That sounds like the way to go for you.