Hey, Add image typo powered in scribbish theme, file to chan

Hey All,

I want to add typo powered image(comes in azure default) in my sidebar
the end. Which .rhtml file should I change? Alos need I do write changes
html code, or rhtml cod like link_to or ? Please reply me


On Jul 30, 2006, at 7:42 AM, Anil W. wrote:

I want to add typo powered image(comes in azure default) in my
sidebar at the end. Which .rhtml file should I change? Alos need I
do write changes in html code, or rhtml cod like link_to or ? Please reply me detail

In layouts/default.rhtml, add the following to the end of the
“sidebar” div.

   <!-- typo badge -->
   <p><%= link_to image_tag('powered.gif'), 'http://

typosphere.org/', { :class => ‘powered’ } %>

Note that I’m still running on an old Typo, not the recent 4.0
release, so this might not work on your install.

Josh S.

Thanks it worked!

But one thing, I dont want that hover effect to “typo powered” image
(background turns black).
How should I make this change so that default style (hover) is not
to this image?
Please reply!!!

Hey I forgot to give you my typo blog link http://anilw.info/blog/
Please reply to following thing