Heroku deployment

i want to deploy two rails application in heroku…so how can i deploy
application with one account in heroku and github…i am little confused
that i have to take two rsa public key or how…thanks in advance

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 6:46 AM, Bhimasen Routray
[email protected] wrote:

i want to deploy two rails application in heroku…so how can i deploy two
application with one account in heroku and github…i am little confused that
i have to take two rsa public key or how…thanks in advance

This list is for Rails, not Heroku.
See: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/quickstart

I just use apps from different directories and they create new
on heroku… no worries about public key etc.

Hey Bhimasen,

You can deploy multiple apps to Heroku with only one account and 1
From your command line, go into the root directory of app 1 and deploy
Then, go into the root of app 2, and deploy to Heroku.

You will now have 2 apps on Heroku, each with their own unique URL.

Hope that helps.

What you may miss off-the-bat is that Heroku’s copy of your app is
actually a git repository. It’s like github’s repository of your code,
but it is used for the special purpose of deploying the app.

When you do a deploy to heroku, you are pushing only your latest commits
to the master branch of the Heroku repository for your app.

Type “more .git/config” at the command line of one of your apps, you
will see a git remote for the heroku repository

[remote “heroku_abc_app”]
url = [email protected]:abc-app.git
fetch = +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/heroku/

In my case, the name of my heroku app is abc-app (made up) but I’ve
attached it to a git identifier (just something I type at the command
line) called heroku_abc_app

To deploy this app, I would use:

git push heroku_abc_app master:master

This is saying I want to put my local master branch (the first “master”)
to the master branch of the remote repository (the second “master” after
the colon) to the repository which is identified by heroku_abc_app
(defined in .git/config), in my case that repository happens to be at
[email protected]:abc-app.git

You can also push a different branch to heroku, like this

git push heroku_abc_app some_branch:master

This is saying you want to push some_branch onto the master branch of
your your app. Be careful – if you push a branch and then try to push
another branch (or master) onto a non-downstream git timeline, you will
get rejected. You can easily fix this with --force at the end of your
command line.

Although Heroku’s git repository acts just like a real git repository,
most of us use github as the authoritative source for our app’s code and
the Heroku git setup only for deploying.
