As far as I understand the working of heroku deploy, it does not look
at your Gemfile, but at your Gemfile.lock, so if you “bundle install
–without production” (or what ever the command was), pg will not be
in your Gemfile.lock, so heroku does not see it! Same point is for
your rubyracer-gem… So you should make them visible even for your
Its possible that I am wrong, but even then I would prefer to use
postgres in development, so stumble over problems with pg already
locally and dont have to debug with remote when there are any problems
in the pg-implemention.
The strange thing is, both of these applications work on my http://localhost:3000 but not on heroku. I am stuck in this since
and haven’t found any solutions yet. Any help would be really great.
in advance.
I also ran into the same error after following the instructions when
following the instructions in Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by
Example by
Michael H…
The problem is that Heroku doesn’t support the SQLite.