
Topic: How can i go about thisi want to move the folders which is older
than 2 days from the current date.
how can i go for the implementation.
my folder structure is d:/MoveFiles/2009-10-31/g.html

Any helps on this

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Newb N. [email protected]

Topic: How can i go about thisi want to move the folders which is older
than 2 days from the current date.

Look at the docs for File#mtime and the Dir class, that should help:

Michael K. wrote:

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Newb N. [email protected]

Topic: How can i go about thisi want to move the folders which is older
than 2 days from the current date.

Look at the docs for File#mtime and the Dir class, that should help:

class File - RDoc Documentation
class Dir - RDoc Documentation

Thank u
god it working