I am writing a driver for a daughterboard and using the methods
_write_spi() and _read_spi() to write and read on to the daughterboard
registers. The write operation is as follows.
usrp()->_write_spi(hdr, spi_enable, spi_format,s)
hdr : 16 bits (15th bit - r/w, bits 1-14 - register address, 0th bit-
auto increment) //This format is specified in the daughterboard
s : Data to be written on the selected register. Data type is std::
Reading the data from the daugherboard is as follows.
- Whichever is the last register on which data is written, data can be
read off starting from that particular address using the following.
r = usrp()->_read_spi(hdr,enables, format, length) //I take the hdr as
0 here(equivalent to no header since it is not needed)
Now the size of the register is 1 byte.
char c[1];
c[0] = (char)(dat & 0xff) // dat is the value that needs to be written
to the resister. Values are between 0 and 255
std::string s(c,1); //I send this value of s to the write_spi function
that I have mentioned above/
So here is the summary of what I do to check if the register is being
written correctly or not.
- Write register number 5 say
- Write register 0
- Read the first 10 bits say in string r.
But I am get an empty string. Is my preparation of string s correct?
Also can somebody tell me if whether I am making a mistake with the
read or the write?
Thank you
Sriram Krishnan