Help with Routes

I love the routes feature for RoR…until now. I’m trying to write tests
to make sure my urls are correctly mapping to the routes I expect them
to map to. This is driving me nuts because I simply can’t get any of my
tests to pass. I have thus concluded that routes must work differently
than I thought. I will try to explain my understanding of how routes
work. Via this process, it would be great if someone could point out
where I’ve gone wrong.

Here is my route: 
    :controller => 'user/version',
    latform_filter => /all/,
    latform => /windows/linux/,
    :distribution_channel => /download/,
    :action => 'download',
    :id => /\d+/

Ok, so the following url will map to this route:

Here’s how I think the match is determined:

  1. Rails looks at the first portion of the url–“all”–and checks to
    see if it will be accepted by my route. It matches my regex constraint,
    so platform_filter => “all” is set.
  2. Rails inspects the next url item–“eudora”–checks to see if it
    matches my mapping constraint. There is no constraint, so it matches,
    sets :software => “eudora”.
  3. Rails inspects the next url item–“7.0.1”–checks to see if it
    matches my mapping constraint. There is no constraint, so :version =>
    “7.0.1” is set.
  4. Rails inspects the next url item–“windows”–checks to see if it
    matches my mapping constraint. It matches my regex constraint, so
    platform => “windows” is set.
  5. Rails inspects the next url item–“download”–checks to see if it
    matches my mapping constraint. It matches my regex constraint, so
    :distribution_channel => “download” is set.
  6. Rails inspects the last url item–“5”–checks to see if it matches
    my mapping constraint. It matches my regex constraint, so :id =>
    “download” is set.
  7. All the url portions mapped, so this route will be used.
  8. Rails looks at the :controller and the :action defined in this
    route and executes them, passing all the matchig url portions via the
    params hash. Ex: we can access the :software portion of the url like

If any of the above steps do not match, the route is skipped, the keys
are cleared and the process is repeated with the next route.

So now I want to test my route with within the
User::VersionControllerTest class:

def test_route
url = "/all/eudora/7.0.1/windows/download/5"
opts = {:controller => 'user/version', latform_filter => "all", 
:software => "eudora",
             :version => "7.0.1", latform => "windows",
             :distribution_channel => "download", :id => 5}

assert_recognizes(opts, url)     # Assertion fails!

I really don’t understand why this is failing, even the error message
doesn’t make sense:

The recognized options <{"software"=>"eudora",
"distribution_channel"=>"download"}> did not match 

The error message show identical options but says they don’t match?

If anyone can shed some light on this, please do.

:controller => ‘user/version’,
latform_filter => /all/,
latform => /windows/linux/,
:distribution_channel => /download/,
:action => ‘download’,
:id => /\d+/

This may be a silly answer, but is that the exact code? Is it a
mistake that this says “latform_filter” rather than “:platform_filter”?

Also, I’d imagine you’d want /windows|linux/ (note the vertical bar)
for the “latform” or “:platform” requirement regexp. (Meaning
“windows” or “linux” will be matched.)

– Michael D.

On 19/05/2006, at 3:22 AM, Steven wrote:


The error message show identical options but says they don’t match?

They’re not identical. The first one includes “action” => “download”;
the second one doesn’t.

Pete Y.