Help with RJS to loop through divs and change hyperlinks

I have some rhtml (see below) which includes 5 divs placed under a div
with classname “container”. Can somone help me write some RJS to

a. Find the “container” div
b. Loop through the 5 child divs and:
i. Change the innerHTML (text of the hyperlink) of each child div
which is a hyperlink using link_to_remote (I assume something similar
to page.replace_html)
ii. Change the “url” of each child div to point to another url

Some sample code would be appreciated. I’m not sure where to start


            <div class="container">
                <div class="selsec">
                    :update => 'chart',
                    :url => url_for(:controller =>

‘chart’, :action => ‘live’),
:loading => "‘loading’); ",
:complete => “Element.hide(‘loading’)”,
:before => “toggleVTabs(this.parentNode);”) %>

<%=link_to_remote(“Last half hour”,
:update => ‘chart’,
:url => url_for(:controller =>
‘chart’, :action => ‘last_half_hour’),
:loading => "‘loading’); ",
:complete => “Element.hide(‘loading’)”,
:before => “toggleVTabs(this.parentNode);”) %>

<%=link_to_remote(“Last hour”,
:update => ‘chart’,
:url => url_for(:controller =>
‘chart’, :action => ‘last_hour’),
:loading => "‘loading’); ",
:complete => “Element.hide(‘loading’)”,
:before => “toggleVTabs(this.parentNode);”) %>

<%=link_to_remote(“Last 6 hours”,
:update => ‘chart’,
:url => url_for(:controller =>
‘chart’, :action => ‘last_six_hours’),
:loading => "‘loading’); ",
:complete => “Element.hide(‘loading’)”,
:before => “toggleVTabs(this.parentNode);”) %>

<%=link_to_remote(“All day”,
:update => ‘chart’,
:url => url_for(:controller =>
‘chart’, :action => ‘all_day’),
:loading => "‘loading’); ",
:complete => “Element.hide(‘loading’)”,
:before => “toggleVTabs(this.parentNode);”) %>


I have some rhtml code which includes 5 divs placed under a
“container” div.

I would like to use RJS to do the following, but I’m not sure where to
start really.

  1. Find the “container” div
  2. Loop through the 5 child divs and:
    a. Change the innerHTML of each child div. Since each child
    div is a hyperlink using link_to_remote , this is a little tricky. (I
    assume something similar to page.replace_html would be used)
    b. Change the “:url” parameter of each child div to point to
    another url

Is this possible with RJS? If so, can you recommend some
JavaScriptGenerator methods or other helper/methods that could be
used? It may be easier to use straight up Javascript. If so, could you
point me to some methods that would help?

The code is here: Parked at Loopia

I do similar things. If you are including the Prototype library in your
rails app, you can just give all of the divs a common css class name and
select all of them that way using a proxy collection:


then in rjs:’.divs_to_change’).each do |div|
div.replace_html :partial => ‘foo’ #or whatever you want to do with
each div.

Does that help?


One more thing, these proxies will work with any css selectors, so if
your outer div has an id of outer_div, this will do the same thing:’#outer_div div’).each do |div|
div.replace_html :partial => ‘foo’ #or whatever you want to do with
each div.


Btw, the O’reilly book Ajax on Rails is a really good guide to this
stuff with a nice Prototype / Scritaculous reference in it.


Thanks Bill! That helped a lot.

Also, could I set up a loop to parse a YAML file (see example below)
and set up a div for each line in the YAML file?

So, essentially, what would the RJS for the following steps look like:

  1. Find the container div
  2. Loop through a YAML file and add child divs containing the partial
    specified in each line in the YAML file

YAML file
partial: live
partial: last_half_hour
partial: last_six_hours
partial: all_day


You can mix plain ruby code into the rjs block, so that should make it
fairly easy to what you want.
