Help with remote_function

Hello I have this in a partial called _publish_status.rhtml

Published <%= radio_button('page', 'published',true, :onclick =>remote_function(:update => "@page.published", :url => { :action => :publish_status, :id => 1 }) )%>

then in my controller:

def publish_status
@page.published = params[:id]

Everything works just like I want it to, but in my development log I
see this:
ActionController::MissingTemplate (Missing template C:/Documents and

Should I worry about this? How do I fix it?

Thanks in advance -K

def publish_status
@page.published = params[:id]

Everything works just like I want it to, but in my development log I
see this:
ActionController::MissingTemplate (Missing template C:/Documents and

Should I worry about this? How do I fix it?

Well, if you don’t want to return any content/status to the browser
indicating that it worked or not just add this to the end of your
publish_status() method:

render :nothing => true, :layout => false

That will stop the error from showing up…

Thanks works perfectly.