i have this string
irb(main):024:0> a.match(/^USD/)
=> #MatchData:0x2e6be30
irb(main):025:0> $1
=> nil
i want to use regex to see if it matches USD as first 3 characters and
here is my attmept. I am not sure why there is no match, any help is
i have this string
irb(main):024:0> a.match(/^USD/)
=> #MatchData:0x2e6be30
irb(main):025:0> $1
=> nil
i want to use regex to see if it matches USD as first 3 characters and
here is my attmept. I am not sure why there is no match, any help is
You can either assign the MatchData that match returns to a variable:
m = a.match /^USD/
or you can use parens in your regex to capture the match into $1: