Help with rails validates

I have a question on rails validates. I need to validate that one field
filled out if another field has a certain value. The code is below, but
license has extended selected then the extended license type needs to be
filled in. I have this but it isn’t working, when I fill the form out
select extended and don’t check anything for extended_license_type, it
validates fine and I get no error message.

validates :license, presence: true
validates :extended_license_type, presence: true, :if =>

def license_extended?
license == ‘extended’

Seems to look okay, but maybe try removing “private”
from the license_extended? method?

Meant to add: this could be the problem since the Validator object
access the method on your model instance, so it’s always returning

I actually figured this out. Looged at the debug console on my app and
noticed that with the extended_license_type it was passing a ‘0’ back
none of the check boxes were checked. My validates only checks for the
presence of that field and ‘0’ is something so that is what it was.