I want to do a list of reports, so each report should be in a different
pdf page. How can I make that I want to finishing writing in the current
page and I want the rest of the pdf in another page, but in the same
(details at http://ruby-pdf.rubyforge.org/pdf-writer/)
On Jan 28, 8:17 am, John S. [email protected]
John S. wrote:
I want to do a list of reports, so each report should be in a different
pdf page. How can I make that I want to finishing writing in the current
page and I want the rest of the pdf in another page, but in the same
start_new_page(force = false)
Starts a new page or column. If you pass it ‘true’ it will always start
a new page, even in multi-column situations. The following code will
produce ‘hello’ on one page, and ‘world’ on the next:
require “pdf/writer”
pdf = PDF::Writer.new
pdf.text “hello”
pdf.text “world”