I’ve set up an observer form, it is not working nor throwing error at
in loading the page.
The Firefox javascript console is showing this error:
Error: missing } after property list
Source File: http://localhost:3000/ajaxsearch/list
Line: 165, Column: 45
Source Code:
hide(‘roller’)}, parameters:‘Form.serialize(‘asearch’)=’ + value})})
I think it’s telling me I’m missing a { (brace) , though I’m not 100%
about that. The page source for the javascript it points too is:
new Form.Observer(‘asearch’, 1, function(element, value)
new Ajax.Updater(‘table’, ‘/ajaxsearch/list’, {asynchronous:true,
evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request){Element.show(‘table’)},
onSuccess:function(request){Element.hide(‘roller’)}, parameters:’
Form.serialize(‘asearch’)=’ + value})})
The page is loading the partial but is not effected by any of the
selected in the form.
Not sure what is wrong , but here is the form and observe_form as it’s
<% start_form_tag(:action => “livesearch”,
:id => “asearch”) %>
<%= submit_tag ‘livesearch’ %>
<% end_form_tag %>
<%= image_tag(“roller.gif”,
:align => ‘absmiddle’,
:border => 0,
:id => “roller”,
:style => “display: none;”) %>
<%= observe_form “asearch”,
:frequency => 1,
:before => “Element.show(‘roller’)”,
:success => “Element.hide(‘roller’)”,
:with => “Form.serialize(‘asearch’)”,
:complete => “Element.show(‘table’)”,
:url => { :action => ‘list’ } %>